Saturday, December 24, 2011

Some Highlights from Term 1

I found these pictures on my camera from the first term and thought I'd share before I started on Cairo.

Miss Fano's class goes on a field trip to the Central Market. We wanted them to experience a real market to help them get a feel for how our Egyptian Market should be.

Masks for Halloween! We created them and then wrote a story about who they were and what they did.
Reading buddies with Reception kids.
We found a whole bunch of these plants growing behind our row of houses. (If you don't know what it is, ask a friend) We're pretty sure the builders planted these during construction.

My class creating a bar graph with their bodies. The x-axis was their favorite subject. I think English won. I'm leaning out of my classroom window to take this picture.

My utterly insane class after one of the kid's birthday celebrations in class. The birthday boy is the one with the mile-wide grin.

Another whole class picture and me. This time during WackyTacky Day. My favorite is the little boy with the orange briefs on his head.

All of Year 3 at our Ancient Egyptian Market. It went over really well and the kids had a blast.
Afterwards, the headmaster sent out this email to the faculty. Score for Year 3!!

Dear St. Cons community,
I want to publicly recognize Mrs Talley, Mrs.Fano and Mr Patrick and the 3rd grade student class for the excellent themed project on Egyptian market. 3rd graders dressed in full Egyptian regalia set up a mock Egyptian market, sold more than a dozen different foods, spoke about Egyptian script, coinage, counting system, cloth, political and social organization (the speech by the Pharoah was amazing). Rich multidimensional, interdisciplinary, cooperative, project and performance based activities such as these are models for the kinds of experiences that enduringly affect the way our students understand and make sense out of knowledge. Congratulations to the 3rd graders.

As we move forward at St. Cons in continuing our innovative leadership in international education I hope to see more themed project and performance based, particularly at the primary level.

(This one's for Mom) Look a rainbow!

Get ready for Cairo!

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