Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sports Day

A couple of weeks ago, one whole Friday was set aside for sports day. The whole school is split up into houses. Delphi, Olympia, Sparta, and Athens (Greek cities because the school was founded by the Greeks in Arusha) Each person gets a shirt with their teams name on the back and in the team color. (Delphi is red, Athens is blue, Olympia is yellow, and Sparta is green)

TO begin all the teams congregate and begin their team cheering (just generic chants. Nothing nearly as creative as the Comfort Zone Camp cheers) Then everyone marches around the field cheering and waving their team flags. Once everyone is settled in their team areas the sports begin. There were races (100m all the way up to the 800m) the long jump, high jump, discus, shot put, tug of war, and relays. The energy was ramped up pretty much all day.

All of the teachers had jobs Kelly was in charge of judging high jump, (And see if you can spot her in a neon green wig, haha) I was one of the teachers in charge of the teams. I’m on Delphi so I had to make sure that all of the Delphi kids got to their events and that they weren’t getting out of control. (The seating area for the teams was right up against the track so every now and then random students would wander out onto the track while people were racing. Part of my job was controlling that)

Almost the whole day I had a little shadow. Esme, one of the students in year 3 (though not in my class) decided to stick to me like glue. She followed me around everywhere and for part of the day I was carrying her around piggy-back. We even ate our lunches on the field together. She is such a sweetheart! And now whenever she sees me around campus (which is a lot) she gets really excited.

My favorite event of the whole day was the tug-of-war. All of the kids got super pumped for it (even the older ones who were wayyy too cool to cheer). Some of the battles were really intense! There was one match between us (Delphi) and Olympia that went on and on and back and forth (to everyone’s delight) until eventually Olympia yanked away the win.

By the end of the day I was sunburnt and tired but I had a good time.

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