Monday, February 28, 2011

Arrival Continued

So I actually made it to my hostel in one piece and the night reception dude checks me in. He took me to my room, The Lion Room, and was trying to explaining to me the rules and policies of the hostel (I couldn’t really understand him on account of his accent and the fact that I was so jet-lagged that I was practically a walking zombie). I was asking him about the internet and whether or not I could get on it that night (he didn’t really understand what I was saying either, but then again lack of sleep may have made my speech a little slurred. I kept repeating, “No, but I need to get on the internet tonight because I am being picked up for a program early in he morning and I have no clue what time or where to meet them!” Finally one of the other people in the room spoke up asking if I was doing the Shark Program. Surprisingly she was doing the same program and knew all the details about pick up the next morning and was even nice enough to let me use her blackberry to check my email. (Thanks again Emma!)

I settled down to sleep, unfortunately the room was practically a bog. It was soooo hot and muggy with no breeze, but somehow I eventually fell asleep. But then I woke up at 2:30am, and 3:30am, and 4:00am and 5:00am and finally 6:30 when I decided enough is enough and got up. (By that time the sun was shining crazy bright through the window so going back to sleep was hopeless)

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