Saturday, October 3, 2015

Shark Tooth Fossil Hunting

One of the activities I'd been dying to do when I came home in the summers was go shark tooth fossil hunting at Westmooreland State Park in Amelia County, Virginia. We finally got to go this summer!
Mom sifting for teeth. They wash out of the cliffs you can see in the background.

We signed up to do a kayaking trip on the Potomac River down to where you find the teeth on the beach. Though, when we got there, the waves were pretty large and we were told that there could be no kayaking. Instead, we just did the short hike down to the fossil teeth beach. (Along the way I managed to fall over and skid, upside down, down a small rocky hill. I wounded my leg pretty good and Courtney and Mom couldn't help but crack up.)

We hung out on the beach hunting for teeth and playing in the sand. We found quite a few! This was one of my favorite trips this summer!

Our spoils!

TPT Conference in Vegas, Baby!

We came back from the beach and then Courtney and I headed to the airport to zip off to Las Vegas! 

I was going to the TeacherPayTeachers Conference and Courtney was coming along for the ride! In the past I was never interested in Vegas, (I don't gamble well and you can drink anywhere) but I actually enjoyed all of the make believe that goes on there. (fake Venice, fake Eiffel Tower, fake pirate ship and mountains and all that) The hubub with everyone walking around was pretty exciting too.

We were only there for 3 days, but we definitely filled those days! I would get up early and head out to my conference (absolutely amazing by the way. I got great tips and advice for improving my TPT store and products!) while Courtney would sleep in and then wander around the strip. We would then meet up for dinner and amuse ourselves by walking around. One night we went to the aquarium in Mandalay Bay!

 On our last night in town we did a pub crawl. It was crazy, but we had a great a time! (Of course the flight the next day was not so great because of the hangover.....The stupid taxi driver from our hotel to the airport at like 6 in the morning really wanted to chat with us and all we wanted to do was sit in hungover silence.)